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Plano 3700 Worm Stowaway

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The perfect solution for storing bags of soft plastics, thePlano 3700 Worm Stowaway delivers an innovative, dual-sided construction that makes it easy to hold a bounty of soft plastic bags.  Capable of holding 16-bags of soft plastics (eight bags per side), the Plano 3700 Worm Stowaway features two angled compartments with molded clips that keep soft plastics firmly in-place. Slightly deeper than a traditional 3700-size stowaway, the Plano 3700 Worm Stowaway delivers innovative dual-sided storage that will keep mountains of soft plastic bags secure and organized.

Dimensions: 14" x 9" x 2.83"


Plano 3700 Worm Stowaway

Size Sku Stock Price Quantity
3700 18 $14.99
3600 18 $12.99
