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Clam Clamlock Two Position Vertical Rod Holder

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Rod holders can be one of the most essential accessories for ice anglers, so anglers have somewhere to store their rods when they are not fishing or to put their rods down for a minute. The ClamLock series of rod holders do just that and can be mounted to a variety of places. Designed originally to be mounted over the center hub assemblies on hub ice shelters, but the base plate can also be mounted to flip over tubs and the walls of permanent ice houses 


  • Includes base plate to mount to hub assembly, shelter tub, wall or any other hard sided surfaces
  • Can be attached to a wide range of places - hub shelters, flip over shelter tubs, permanent shelter walls and more!
  • Compatible with most hub shelters by taking off hub plate and bolt and placing hub accessory plate on center hub
  • Strong polypropylene and steel construction
  • Riveted pieces allow you to store the rod/reel combos vertical or at an angle
  • Easily switch out to other ClamLock accessories


Clam Clamlock Two Position Vertical Rod Holder

Style Sku Stock Price Quantity
ClamLock Two Position Vertical Rod Holder 15953 22 $49.99
